Our Animals


Here is a showcase of our animals ready to visit you!

Tony the Tegu

Tony is our black and white Argentianian tegu. He is about 4 feet long! Despite his scary appearance, Tony is a sweetheart and his favorite activities are relaxing in the bath and cuddling. 

Kiwi & Cinnabon the Ball Pythons

These two love spending time with one another, and always come together. Both are used to being handled, especially Cinnabon who will relax in your lap all day!

Bumi the Western Hognose

Bumi is our smallest snake, He is only about 14 inches long and as wide as your finger. Bumi has an up-turned nose, giving him the title hognose, that is used for burrowing in the dirt.

The Ferrets

Our most energetic residents are our ferrets; Bandit, Slinky, and Asher. Each ferret has a unique personality, but all love to play!

Truck the Bearded Dragon

Only a juvenile now, Truck will be about 2 feet long when he is full-grown! Truck is unique among other bearded dragons for his bright orange coloring.

The Rabbits

Our rabbits are Ice Cream, Chomper, and Chocolate Chip. Ice Cream and Chomper are outgoing and curious boys, while Chocolate Chip is the shy girl of the group.

Yoshi the Crested Gecko

Crested geckos are from New Caledonia. He is a great climber and the only type of gecko with a prehensile tail. That means he can use his tail as an extra limb to climb with!

Geico the Leopard Gecko

Unlike Yoshi, Geico is not a great climber. She is the only species of gecko that cannot climb on vertical surfaces and instead walks along the ground. 

The Chickens

We have dozens of chickens belonging to various breeds. Protecting and leading the flock is our rooster, Mortimer. The hens are friendly and are used to being picked up and held. They will even eat right out of your hand!

The Cockroaches

We have a colony of Halloween hissing roaches. These large bugs are from Madagascar. They make a loud hissing sound when you touch them.

The Ducks

We have 20 Moscovy ducks, which can often be spotted swimming in the pond. You can tell the males and females apart by their size - the boys are bigger!

Pacho the Tarantula

Pacho is a Mexian Red-knee Tarantula. She is a very cool lady. She will grow to be the size of your hand and loves to climb around her enclosure. 

Midnight the Scorpion

Midnight is an Asian Forest Scorpion. Though she has a big stinger, she is docile and can even be held!

Freddie the Turtle

Freddie is a red-eared slider, name for the red markings by his face. He is shy and doesn't like to come out of his shell much.

The Goats

We have 4 pygmy goats: Stevie, Shaggy, Maeve, and Millie. They often get into trouble by fighting each other, taking the pigs' food, and jumping fences.

Oscar & Petunia the Pigs

Oscar and Petunia are mini-pigs. They are best friends and love to spend time exploring the yard and laying in the sun together. Unfortunately, they are too stubborn to go on trips.

Finley the Tree Frog

Finley is an American green tree frog. He spends most of his days lounging on his favorite rock doing nothing.

The Guinea Fowl

We have five Guinea fowl, a chicken-like bird from Africa. They are much more skiddish than chickens and can actually fly.

Meadow the Dog

Meadow is a Great Pyranese. She is the protector of the yard, and keeps all the other animals safe. She is always smiling and happy to be surrounded by both her animal and human friends. Meadow is too busy watching over the farm to do encounters.

The Dart Frogs

Flip and Flop are our two poison dart frogs. Unlike ones in the wild, ours are not poisonous. Their poison comes from eating insects that eat toxic plants in the wild.

The Pigeons

Our flock of ten homing pigeons are the most beautiful you've ever seen! They can fly for hundreds of miles and still know their way back home!